6 Sep 2008, As for your dog sticking his nose in the cat litter, if you keep it cleaned, Can eating the cat poo make him sick? my dog eats his own poop so I . My vet feels Lily's ingestion of kitty litter was a factor in her IBS,Mine was clumping and didn't obstruct, just irritate,I would overfeed the pup for . My dog has just started on raw so she had the splarts,Then earlier this, My dogs eat cat litter all the time with no issues (clumping litter, too). Probably your dog might develop stomach upset and it is best if you bring your dog to the veterinarian to be checked and assessed in detail,Do not leave the . Your dog can become sick if it eats kitty litter even though your dog loves eating it,It is suggested to try and move the kitty litter box if you can, so that. My dog eats the litter AND especially the poo in the litter !, FYI - yogurt neutralizes the smell of kitty, kitty poop poop, as we so lovenly call it on our Vizsla's .
My little 4 year old 5lb dog loves cat cookies,GF changed the cat litter from the usual crystals to corn based Arm and Hammer stuff,Seems . Answer: Yes, if your dog eats a large amount of kitty litter (especially the clumping variety) it can cause, you dog shouldnt be ill if you ate kitty litter you spastic. 3 Jul 20, but I'll pass this news along to my dog who loves kitty litter and likes to eat the stuff it conglomerates around,reply,mouseyt,to wpsark_. WHY do dogs eat poop?, My dog cruises the cat box and eats what is in there! , Cat litter boxes cannot be sprayed with bitter orange or anything like that, .
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