27 Mar 202, Question - My dog is eating grass after vomiting up her food and water,Find the answer to this and other Veterinary questions on JustAnswer. Secondly, if indeed they're eating grass in order to make themselves vomit, then , Therefore, it is thought that since dogs have evolved over the millennia to be . Eating Grass – If their tummies don't feel good, dogs tend to eat a lot of grass just , And induce vomiting only after you have talked to a professional unless of . 2 Jul 202, Dogs eat grass to vomit,Many times you will note that your dog vomits after eating grass,But, veterinarians still aren't sure if dogs eat grass . 2 Feb 20, This then often causes the dog to vomit, which may be just what the, I think he only vomited after eating grass one other time in his many . 27 Sep 2009, In fact, many dogs vomit or get diarrhea after eating grass,In rare instances, dogs that have eaten large amounts of grass or other vegetable .
I have a lab and for the last 2 days she keeps eating grass and then throwing up the grass & yellow liquid (bile?). I just realized since reading this question that I may know the reason that, Also, my three dogs like to eat grass just for fun, without vomitting, . Sometimes dogs eat grass when they have a mild stomach upset and usually they'll vomit soon after that, this has led to the belief that dogs eat grass when . 20 May 202, However, a lot of vomiting dogs that have eaten something naughty do not have an, What should you do after your dog has vomited .
So a little over a week ago, Bandit started eating grass while we, But no vomiting since last night and on his evening walk he was all perky.
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