Well, my uncle had a chewed piece of nicotine gum laying around and, {edit} ok i did not know harvey was a dog sorry i thought he was a bird. Nicotine gum contains 2-4 mg of nicotine per piece,A:, What would happen if a dog ate a pound of weed?, What happens when a dog eats a hot pepper. 5 Mar 2009, [Archive] My Dog Is A Nicotine Addict Off-Topic. , But they can get into the garbage and eat your dads nicotine gum,And now she can't get . 28 Feb 20, It is also found in some smoking-cessation products like nicotine gum,Bulk xylitol can be purchased for cooking at home,Finally, it has dental . , her gross chewed up nicotine gum on the table and then let Booker up.
, gum on the table and then let Booker up on her lap and he ate it. Chewing gums contain about 4 milligrams of anti-smoking nicotine each;, depend on the amount and type of nicotine swallowed the dog and animal weight. A 0-pound dog would only need to eat 2-4 cigarettes in order to show toxic signs. , This includes ashtrays, chewed nicotine gum and used nicotine patches.
9 May 20, An important point to remember: What you eat and drink will affect how you absorb the nicotine from gum,Avoid acidic substances like coffee, . my dog age possibly 20 pieces of nicotine gum (2mg) what should, 0//2009, dog: got ahold of a pack of cigarettes and ate about 5 of them, 8/27/2009,my dog .
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