Friday, May 17, 2013

Toxic Food Cats

There are a number of foods and medications that are poisonous to cats,A few of them are cocoa (chocolate), aspirin, sodium nitrate (used in hot dogs), caffeine. Other food enjoyed by owners should not be given to cats at all,The stimulants in tea, coffee and chocolate that make them so agreeable to us makes them toxic. Cats will sometimes beg for food, but you must be aware that certain foods given to cats are toxic,Giving cats the foods that you eat is not an encouraged. Toxic Food Guide for Pets,What Not to Feed Dogs and Cats,Dogs and cats are curious by nature, particularly when it comes to food,They're also very good at. The idea of preparing specialized food for cats came later than for dogs (see, to neglect feeding a cat, is to render him at the same time useless and harmful. Toxic, Poisonous Foods for Dogs and Cats. , Onions, Onion powder (many processed foods such as baby food, ketchup, soup, lunch meat and hot dogs). However, certain foods can be dangerous to your pet causing varying degrees of illness,Some food is toxic due to ingredients and some by improper cooking. There are many food and non- food substances, including plants, which can be potentially poisonous for your cat,Some of these will be obvious to most owners. Toxic Foods that Affect Dogs and Cats,Chocolate: Although many people are aware that chocolate is toxic to cats and dogs, it's something that is commonly left. Chocolate, fruit and nuts may sound like tasty delights to you, but these foods, Avoid these common toxins to keep your dogs and cats living long, healthy lives. Cat food is harmful to dogs for a couple of reasons,First, your dog won't get the nutrients he needs when eating cat food since cats are carnivores and your dog. Toxic Foods For Dogs And Cats,While we all like to think of our cats and dogs as members of the family, we have to remember that they are not HUMAN.

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